Sewer Pipe Relining DC. A Washington D.C. homeowner had approximately 70-feet of 4-inch pipe that needed sewer pipe relining. A local Perma-Liner certified installer came out to inspect the job. This Washington D.C. home had top notch Italian marble floors and exotic hardwood floors, the restoration costs alone would be a hefty sum of money. This is the exact reason the Washington D.C. homeowner decided on sewer pipe relining opposed to digging and replacing the sewer pipe. If you live in Washington D.C. and are in need of sewer pipe relining, please call Perma-Liner!

[box type=”info”]If you live in Washington D.C., Virginia or Maryland and have questions on the Perma-Liner™ products, please call us at anytime. 1-866-336-2568[/box]